
Meet Sailor Nickels: Our Beloved Maritime Mascot
Hi, friends! I’m Sailor Nickels, and I can’t wait to walk you through my very favorite aspects of #BoatLife and the safety checkpoints that exist

The Benefits of a Boat Lift in Oahu, Hawaii
Oahu boat owners rejoice! Boat lifts are the answer for anyone looking to spend less time – and money – on cleaning, care, and maintenance

How to Prepare your Boat for a Storm
If you know a storm is moving in, you may want to prepare your boat and boat dock for rougher water. Here are some tips for preparing your boat and boat dock for a Hawaii storm.

How to Dock a Boat
Docking a boat for the first time can be intimidating at first but with these top 5 tips and practice, you will be an expert in no time

Tips for Boating with Dogs in Oahu, Hawaii
Boating can be an enjoyable activity for you and your dog because nothing beats a beautiful day on the water and the company of your pup.

Benefits of a Boat Lift in Oahu, Hawaii
A boat lift is an investment in the longevity of your boat and allows the ability to easily clean and care for your boat.

Knots All Boaters Must Know
These knots can be very helpful in a lot of situations and are knots that every boater needs to know. It is important to always double check your knots and practice them before usage!

Best Types of Dock Decking Material
There are many great choices to choose from when it comes to choosing the best decking material for your dock. Sailor Docks and Boat Lifts has a wide variety of different decking materials for you to choose from and we are more than happy to help you choose the right material for your dock needs!