Tips for Boating with Dogs in Oahu, Hawaii

Tips for Boating with Dogs in Oahu and Hawaii Kei

Going on adventures with your fuzzy best friend is always a fun experience. Boating can be an enjoyable activity for you and your dog because nothing beats a beautiful day on the water and the company of your pup. Like all boating activities, it is important to make sure you and your dog are having a fun and safe experience on the water, and here are some of our favorite tips for boating with dogs in Oahu, Hawaii.

1. Get a life jacket for your dog

A dog life jacket is a great way to ensure the safety of your four-legged friend. Like humans, dogs can get fatigued while swimming, and a life jacket will make sure your dog stays afloat while swimming and can help with lifting your dog out of the water if they go overboard or are having difficulties getting back into the boat after a nice swim. Life jackets also protect your dog from the sun. If your boat does not have a covered area to provide shade from the sun, a doggie life vest can help protect your dog from UV rays and keep your dog cool if the life jacket is wet. Dog life jackets can be found online and at pet stores. When you are boating in Oahu, Hawaii, a dog life jacket is a great item to invest in if you are going to be taking your dog out on the water with you. Dog life jackets help ensure your four-legged best friend is always safe while enjoying time out on the beautiful Oahu, Hawaii waters.

2. Bring fresh water with you

Drinking salt water is not something you want to do while boating because it will dehydrate you and could make you sick. This is the same for dogs. The salt in seawater can cause dehydration and according to the American Kennel Club, a few mouthfuls may only cause minor symptoms such as diarrhea, but consuming large amounts of saltwater can be fatal. Spending a day swimming and enjoying the sun on your boat is a fun activity for your dog but can lead to your dog being thirsty. Bringing fresh water for you and your dog will help keep your dog from trying to drink the saltwater and becoming even more dehydrated or getting sick. Little travel dog bowls can help provide easy access to fresh water for your dog. These convenient travel dog bowls can be purchased at most pet stores and online.

3. Prepare for bathroom breaks

If you are planning to spend the entire day out of the water, it is smart to prepare a few stops here and there for your dog to use the bathroom. If your dog is staying hydrated and snacking, he or she is going to have to use the restroom eventually. If stopping to go to the bathroom on dry land is not an option, you could bring along puppy pads used for house training puppies or artificial turf for your dog to use the bathroom. Bringing doggy bags and paper towels are good items to put in your boating dog day bag in case there is an accident, or you need to clean up after your dog.

4. Grab the sunscreen

Just like humans, long periods of exposure to the sun without shade can cause sunburns in sensitive places like your dog’s ears, nose, and belly. Short-haired dogs can get sunburned on the tops of their paw, snout, and head. A light SPF-15 sunscreen will do the trick in making sure you and your dog do not come home with a sunburn. It would be a good idea to make sure the sunscreen is specifically for dogs or research sunscreen you can use for dogs because the sunscreen humans use could potentially irritate the skin.

5. Get comfortable

Not every dog is born being comfortable on a boat. If you plan to spend lots of time on the beautiful Oahu, Hawaii water, it would be a good idea to ease your dog into the boating life, so they are comfortable and safe. Investing in a non-slip mat can help your dog stay in place when you are driving or teaching them to stay seated can help prevent discomfort and injury.

If you are going to be spending some quality time with your dog on the Oahu, Hawaii waters, these tips for boating with dogs are a good starting point when planning your maiden voyage together! Do not forget your dog towel, toys, and treats when you and your four-legged friend are ready to set sail together but most importantly, have fun!

Sailor Dock and Boat Lifts is not liable or responsible for any injuries or accidents.